Glom Blog

What’s In an IQ Score?

There are real world ramifications to insufficient brain health. The recent buzz about average IQ is an interesting conversation however, there are a couple of important aspects to this conversation that need be considered. One is that there is recognition that...

It’s Getting Hot In Here

Summer has arrived and the heat is definitely on. Glom’s key mission is to expand awareness about psychology and provide broader access to accurate psychological information, tools and skills that can make our lives better. To that end, there is some interesting and...

Beyond Coping with CoVID

Moving Beyond the Pandemic The notion of change can be intimidating but change is inevitable. Every day that we are fortunate enough to live and breathe, we are evolving.  That is how biology was designed and how it works. Because change is such a natural process,...

Welcome to Glom Inc.

Welcome to Glom Inc.

Hello from Glom Initiatives Inc!  It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you on our collective journey of discovery, growth, healing and fulfilment.     I believe we are fortunate to be living through a very poignant period in human history. We are witnessing a...

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